2014年3月23日 星期日

創業小故事 (2) - 門房 MVP

Concierge MVP(門房 MVP)

Instead of providing a product, you start with a manual service. But not just any service! The service should consist of exactly the same steps people would go through with your product.


Food on the table provides easy weekly recipe and grocery lists based on sales at your store. They need lots of stuff to make this work. A list of stores and groceries, weekly updates on sales, recipes, algorithms to match your preference to recipes to promotions…

Food on the table 提供一個簡單的每週收據和物品清單根據銷售給你的商店,他們需要很多的東西才能完成這個工作。商店及雜貨列表,每週根據銷售、食譜、演算法每週更新來吻合你的喜愛到收據到促銷。

It’s a lot. 這很多工作。

But the founders did not start by building all these assets. Again, from Riese’s book, we learn what happened.
但是創業者一開始並不建構所有的資產。再一次,從 Riese's 書中,我們學到發生了什麼事?

Before building anything, the two founders went to their local shop in Austin. They interviewed shoppers until they found one that was interested in their service.
在建構任何事之前,這兩個創業者跑道他們在 Austin 的地區型商店。他們採訪採購者直到找到一個對他們的服務感興趣的。

She got a concierge treatment. 她得到一個門房的待遇。

The CEO visited her every week. He came with a shopping list and selected recipes, carefully chosen based on (a) her preferences and (b) promotions in the local store. The list was updated on the spot based on her desires and feedback. Most importantly, the CEO would pick a check of $9.95 for this service.
這個老闆每週拜訪她。他帶著一串採購清單以及挑選過得食譜,小心的選擇建構在他的喜好及地區型商店的促銷。這清單基於顧客的喜好及回饋即時更新。更重要的,這 CEO 從這服務中收費 9.95 美金。

This was no way to get rich.

But each week, they would learn more about what it takes to make their product a success. They kept adding more customers to their weekly visits, until they couldn’t handle the load any more.

Only then they started coding.

One week they start sending lists and recipes via e-mail. A next one they wrote a piece of software to parse promotional store lists. Eventually, they started taking payments online.
某週他們開始透過 e-mail 傳送清單及食譜。下一個他們寫一堆程式去解析促銷的商店清單。最後,他們開始線上收費。

Only after validating the basic product with customers of their initial store, they started adding stores, first in their region, to eventually grow into a nationwide business.



投資的效益:利潤風險比 MAR

投資的模型有好有壞。 當投資一段時間後,譬如 五年六年後, 投資模型經過實證, 知道了投資模型的年化報酬率,也知道了投資模型的最大風險 這時,我們可以來計算投資的利潤風險比。 利潤風險比主要談的是 每承受一單位風險,可以換回多少利潤 利潤風險比較做 MAR  (returns a...